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Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921

Orphan surname Orphan christian names Alternative surname Mother surname Mother christian names Father surname Father christian names Mothers ship Fathers ship Date admitted
Clear Sorted By: Alternative surname ascending, Mothers ship ascending, Orphan christian names ascending, Father christian names ascending, Orphan surname ascending, Mother christian names descending, Mother surname descending, Father surname ascending, Fathers ship ascending, Date admitted ascending
View EDWARDS 5 children           7 Jan 1863
View DONOHOO 2 sons   DONOHOO Elizabeth DONOHOO Quartermaster     2 Feb 1832
View CRISP 3 children     CRISP Samuel      
View BADMAN 5 girls   CONNELLY Margaret BADMAN Samuel   Maria 1858
View POTTS 6 children           1852
View BAXTER A           17 Jan 1877
View ROBINS A Sophia     ROBINS Williams     25 May 1864
View HIBBERT Aaron   SMITH Ellen HIBBERT Aaron     20 Feb 1868
View McCARTHY Abigail           11 Jun 1830
View BROWN Abner   BROWN Emily       14 Sep 1858
View CUNNINGHAM Abraham     CUNNINGHAM James     9 May 1868
View BYRON Ada         Platina 16 Feb 1838
View JACKSON Ada   JACKSON Martha       19 Dec 1864
View CHURCH Ada   GELDING Rachel CHURCH Charles     1867
View   Adam     aborigine     28 Dec 1847
View CLARKE Adam   CLARKE/CURRY Mary CLARKE Adam     28 Jun 1851
View OFFOR Adam   OFFOR Madeline OFFOR John     28 Aug 1849
View WRIGHT Adelaide   WRIGHT Jane WRIGHT Allen     13 Dec 1848, 8 Oct 1853
View FAGAN Adeline   HOPSON Anna Maria FAGAN Thomas     1867
View BROADRIBB Agnes           20 May 1836

Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921