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Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921

Orphan surname Orphan christian names Alternative surname Mother surname Mother christian names Father surname Father christian names Mothers ship Fathers ship Date admitted
Clear Sorted By: Mother christian names ascending, Mothers ship ascending, Mother surname descending, Date admitted ascending, Father christian names descending, Alternative surname descending, Orphan christian names ascending, Orphan surname ascending
View NELSON George   Sarah   NELSON Andrew Elizabeth & Henry   8 Jan 1847
View TEDMAN William   TEDMAN/LYNCH       20 May 1836
View DICKER William RUSSELL HICKS/HUNTHannah DICKER John Russell     2 Apr 1849
View RUSSELL William DICKER HICKS/HUNTHannah DICKER John Russell     2 Apr 1849
View DAVIS Frances     DAVIS Thomas      
View CRISP 3 children     CRISP Samuel      
View BURNS Eliza     BURNS Corporal   Circassian  
View BULLOCK Sarah     BULLOCK Charles      
View CLARKE Mary Ann STAGGS          
View BAKER Jane POULTER          
View STAGGS Mary Ann CLARKE          
View POULTER Jane BAKER          
View POULTER Jane BAKER          
View BRIERLY Ann            
View CONLIFFE Ann            
View WILLIAMS Caroline            
View CONNOR Catherine            
View CLARK Charles            
View BRENNAN child            
View WOODS David            

Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921