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Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921

Orphan surname Orphan christian names Alternative surname Mother surname Mother christian names Father surname Father christian names Mothers ship Fathers ship Date admitted
Clear Sorted By: Fathers ship ascending, Alternative surname descending, Father surname descending, Father christian names ascending, Mother surname descending, Mothers ship ascending, Orphan surname descending, Orphan christian names ascending
View HUGHES William WOOD WOOD Mary       28 Apr 1829
View HUGHES William WOOD         1829
View McCOY John WILLIAMS McCOY/WILLIAMS Ann WILLIAMS John Sovereign   23 Mar 1832
View RICHMOND Sarah WHITLAW         20 May 1848
View RICHMOND Sarah WHITLAW         20 May 1848
View GLEESON Catherine WHELAN MOLOUGHNEY Winifred WHELAN William Catherine to Adelaide   15 Oct 1862
View HAMMEL Mary Ann WALKER HAMMEL Susan BUTLER William D Northumberland   14 Apr 1863
View CRUMP Mary Ann VAUGHAN VAUGHAN Ann   Elizabeth & Henry   1 Oct 1851
View GREEN William VARION VARION/GREEN Ann   Earl Grey   1 May 1854, 9 Apr 1867
View GREEN William VARION GREEN/VARION Ann       21 Jan 1859, 9 Apr 1867,
View MADDEN John THOMAS         30 Nov 1847
View MADDEN John THOMAS         30 Nov 1847
View AITCHESON Betsy TAYLOR TAYLOR Ann   Lloyds   2 Oct 1846
View CLARK Elizabeth TAYLOR         31 Dec 1836
View CLARK Mary TAYLOR         31 Dec 1836
View KELLY Honor SULLIVAN SULLIVAN Mary   Blackfriar   3 Jun 1851
View CLARKE Mary Ann STAGGS          
View SPRINKS Rosa SPINKS BURNETT Eliza SPRINKS William Henry     29 May 1844
View HAMMOND Amy Louisa/ Louisa Amy SMITH QUIN Mary Ann HAMMOND James     24 May 1877, Mar 1879, Sep 1881

Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921