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Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921

Orphan surname Orphan christian names Alternative surname Mother surname Mother christian names Father surname Father christian names Mothers ship Fathers ship Date admitted
Clear Sorted By: Fathers ship ascending, Mother christian names descending, Father surname descending, Alternative surname descending, Mother surname ascending, Orphan christian names ascending, Father christian names descending, Orphan surname ascending, Date admitted ascending
View GLEESON Catherine WHELAN MOLOUGHNEY Winifred WHELAN William Catherine to Adelaide   15 Oct 1862
View SIMMONS Fanny/Frances   THOMPSON Winifred SIMMONS Hyam     1872
View SIMMONS Rebecca   THOMPSON Winifred SIMMONS Hyam      
View PROSSER Thomas   McNALLY Winifred PROSSER Thomas     1826
View BECK Alexander   MATHEWS Winifred BECK Alexander Asia   25 Jul 1847
View HOLMES Ann   CONWAY/CONNOR Winifred   Garland Grove   20 Jun 1854,
View HOLMES Elizabeth   CONWAY/CONNOR Winifred   Garland Grove   8 Sep 1853
View HOLMES Hannah   CONWAY/CONNOR Winifred   Garland Grove   3 Sep 1858
View HOLMES John Henry   CONWAY/CONNOR Winifred   Garland Grove   8 Sep 1858
View HOLMES Thomas   CONWAY/CONNOR Winifred   Garland Grove   8 Sep 1858
View CUMMINS Eliza   WHITE Violet CUMMINS Samuel Arabian   2 Mar 1847
View CUMMINS William   WHITE Violet CUMMINS Samuel Arabian   2 Mar 1847
View RAFFERTY John   RAFFERTY Unity RAFFERTY John Elizabeth & Henry   8 Jan 1847
View RAFFERTY Mary Ann   RAFFERTY Unity RAFFERTY John Elizabeth & Henry   8 Jan 1847
View RAFFERTY Susannah   RAFFERTY Unity   Elizabeth & Henry   21 Mar 1848
View TOMNEY Sarah Ann   TOMNEY Theresa   Sea Queen   21 Dec 1852
View ALLEN George   FITZWILLIAM Susanne ALLEN William John Frederick Conroy   23 Oct 1861
View KING Robert   KING Susannah KING Edward Elizabeth & Henry   8 Jan 1847
View DUFFY Margaret   DUFFY/DUFFEY Susannah DUFFY Daniel Stately   6 Sep 1849
View DUFFY Matthew   DUFFY/DUFFEY Susannah DUFFY Daniel Stately   6 Sep 1849

Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921