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Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921

Orphan surname Orphan christian names Alternative surname Mother surname Mother christian names Father surname Father christian names Mothers ship Fathers ship Date admitted
Clear Sorted By: Fathers ship ascending, Mothers ship ascending, Father christian names descending, Mother christian names descending, Orphan christian names descending, Father surname ascending, Orphan surname ascending, Mother surname ascending
View WATSON John     WATSON Young     9 Dec 1835
View ROBINS A Sophia     ROBINS Williams     25 May 1864
View NASH Letitia   NASH Mary Ann NASH William Henry     5 Jan 1854
View NASH Harriet   NASH Mary Ann NASH William Henry     5 Jan 1854
View WILLIAMS Stephen   COSTIN Margaret WILLIAMS William Henry     1865
View WILLIAMS Michael   COSTIN Margaret WILLIAMS William Henry     1865
View WILLIAMS Jane   COSTIN Margaret WILLIAMS William Henry     1866
View WILLIAMS Henry   COSTIN Margaret WILLIAMS William Henry     1865
View WILLIAMS Clement   COSTIN Margaret WILLIAMS William Henry     1865
View SPINKS Rosa   BURNETT Eliza SPRINKS William Henry     29 May 1844
View SPRINKS Rosa SPINKS BURNETT Eliza SPRINKS William Henry     29 May 1844
View FRAZER Louisa   BRYANT Bridget FRASER William Alexander     30 Aug 1870
View CARR Charles/William   CARR Margaret POOLE William (step father)     17 Mar 1870
View RUSSELL Sarah Elizabeth   WILKINSON Sarah RUSSELL William     17 Jan 1866
View STANLEY Martha   HUME Sarah STANLEY William     16 Nov 1858
View DONALDSON Benjamin   DONALDSON Sarah DONALDSON William     Dec 1873
View DRAKER Eliza   CRISP Rosina/Rosannah DRAKE William     9 Feb 1866
View WOODS John   WINTER Mary Ann WOODS William     9 Jun 1863
View DANCE William   COOK Mary DANCE William     Jan 1865
View BROWN William   BROWN Mary JOHNSON William     8 Feb 1856

Page: 1 of 297  Records: 5921