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Orphan Number: 1686
Orphan: Amy EDMONDS
Mother:JONES, Mary
Father:EDMONDS, Charles
Mother's ship:Woodbridge
Father's ship:
Age when admitted:5yrs
Date admitted:16 Nov 1860
Date discharged:16 Feb 1861
Institution(s):Queens Orphan School
Discharged to: father, free
Remarks: father deserted and in prison
References: SWD26/3, 26/5, 27, 28

This orphan has been claimed by: Bruce Austin

Amy Edmonds is my g'grandmother's (Lavinia Edmonds) sister.


Bruce Austin

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This orphan has been claimed by: Neala Johnson

Amy Edmunds was the half-sister of my 2 x great grandmother Clara Edmunds (married name Fern).

Their father Charles Edmunds appears to have remarried while Amy and older sister Lavinia were in the Orphan School for a second time in 1862 - nine further children including Clara were born from this marriage to Ellen Lewis. A note on the Orphan School records in January 1863 reads: “Edmunds has married again and is now of (healthy?) habits. The children in question and most of them under his care children are in very comfortable circumstances.”

The half-siblings appear to have been close as Clara was the informant for the birth of Charles Jnr's son Percy in 1883.

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 Site last updated June 2021