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Orphan Number: 1834
Orphan: Elizabeth FISHER
Mother:CONNELL, Ellen
Father:FISHER, John
Mother's ship:
Father's ship:
Age when admitted:7yrs
Date admitted:
Date discharged:
Institution(s):Queens Orphan School
Discharged to:
Remarks: not admitted to Queens Orphan School
References: SWD27

This orphan has been claimed by: Helen Webster

Elizabeth and her sister Ellen Fisher did not attend the Orphan School, although their names were submitted.  Both the girls were from a large Franklin family - John Fisher & Ellen McKenna/Kenna/Canna/Connell/Caana both parents being convicts (Ellen from Ireland arrived on the John William Dare in 1852 and John Fisher arrived 1852 Equestian 3).  

Elizabeth married in Hobart in 1887 to Francis Thomas Kenny (a Tailor) - Witness were William Wolf & Helena Williams.   Francis died in Barrack St Hobart in 1893.

Elizabeth and Francis had four children in Tasmania: Herbert Gladstone, Frank Gordon (died WW1 in France) John Robert and James Francis.  Elizabeth went to Melbourne sometime after Francis 'death as her sons were living there.  Elizabeth died in Victoria in 1934.

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 Site last updated June 2021