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Orphan Number: 2862
Orphan: James JOHNSON
Mother:SALMON, Mary
Mother's ship:Tasmania 2
Father's ship:
Age when admitted:6yrs 6mths
Date admitted:29 May 1863
Date discharged:20 Aug 1870
Institution(s):Queens Orphan School
Discharged to: R Hood, Trafalgar
Remarks: father dead, mother prisoner - won prize in 1866
References: SWD26/6, 26/10, 27, 32/1, HAP1871/63

This orphan has been claimed by: Dianne Snowden

James Johnson was the son of James Johnson, a convict who arrived on the ‘Joseph Somes’ and Mary Salmon, a convict who arrived on the ‘Tasmania’ (2) in 1845.

At least four of Mary Salmon’s children were admitted to the Orphan Schools (then known as the Queen’s Asylum): James Johnson and Thomas Johnson in 1863; and Ellen Johnson and John Johnson in 1869.

At the time of the application for the admission of Ellen and John Johnson in December 1868, Mary and her children were living at Mangana, near Fingal. Mary was out of work and James Johnson, a labourer, was in gaol in Launceston for felony. James and Mary were not married. Three other children were named in the admission application: James Johnson aged 12; Thomas Johnson, aged 11; and Mary Johnson aged 2. The application also noted: ‘This woman is also known by the name Marr’.

Mary Salmon, a young housemaid from Kildare, arrived in the colony on the convict ship ‘Tasmania’ (2) in 1845. Her convict records note that she was also known as Lyons. In September 1849, she married John Kewley (or Rewley) at Longford. An infant daughter, Hannah, died in 1852. A son, Richard, died in 1854 after Mary had separated from her husband. Mary had many colonial offences for drunkenness and for being idle and disorderly. She died on 23 December 1896 in Launceston, as Mary Salmon or Kewley.
Ref: SWD 26/1/1

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 Site last updated June 2021