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Orphan Number: 3497
Orphan: Eliza McBRIEN
Mother:McBRIEN, Bridget
Father:McBRIEN, Francis
Mother's ship:Earl Grey
Father's ship:
Age when admitted:6yrs
Date admitted:16 May 1850
Date discharged:9 Apr 1853
Institution(s):Queens Orphan School
Discharged to: mother, married to William Fletcher
Remarks: mother's name Bridget McBrine on convict record
References: SWD28

This orphan has been claimed by: Joyce Purtscher

See Mary McBrien for details of parents and voyage. Eliza was 6 years old when admitted to the Queen’s Orphanage on 16 May 1850 and was the first of the McBrien children to be released to her mother on 9 April 1853. She was in the Huon district in January 1859 when she was named as godmother to Sarah Anne Fletcher, Mary & Charles Fletcher’s daughter at the roman Catholic church at Franklin. She does not appear in the registered births, deaths or marriage records.

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This orphan has been claimed by: Errol Smith

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 Site last updated June 2021