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Orphan Number: 4900
Orphan: Mary SHEEHAN
Mother:SHEEHAN, Honora
Father:SHEEHAN, John
Mother's ship:Kinnear
Father's ship:
Age when admitted:11yrs
Date admitted:11 Oct 1848
Date discharged:7 May 1851
Institution(s):Queens Orphan School
Discharged to: mother, Ticket of Leave
References: SWD7, 28

This orphan has been claimed by: wendy yule

My Name is Wendy and Mary Sheehan is my 5xgreat grandmother.  Ive recently started my family history and have found it quite interesting. Mary married Samuel Linton who was a convict 6098.

Mary died at aged 40 falling off a cart on the way home from the pub due to drunkeness.

I haven't a picture of Mary but that doesn't stop me looking.

Are there any transcripts or pictures of Mary's stay at the orphanage?



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 Site last updated June 2021